Saturday, February 20, 2010

Nuclear Perception - Basic Info

Most of people give a bad or negative perception when a word of "nuclear" is mentioned. For them, nuclear is an element that can damage world and peoples by explosion and radiation. When I was offered to work with Nuclear Malaysia, a lot of views and ideas were through such " oh, you want to make a Bomb!!", "you will join Osama - as a terrorist" , "don't you scared of chances of getting cancer" and so on - that is why we have the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) to protect people from these harmful radioactive materials.
Here, I would like to correct people's perception against word of nuclear power, where it is actually is a power produced from controlled nuclear reaction (non-explosive) that can generate power, such as an electricity, application in medical and industrial such as x-ray and gamma-ray and more. We need to understand what is the element of nuclear it self - maybe for the next posting I will try to explain and provide an info of the fundamental of nuclear elements.
Generally, radioactive is an elements that very synonyms with nuclear power and it has been used widely. Radioactive - a substance of materials which in unstable condition and need to react in order to achieve a stable condition by emitting ionizing particles and radiation.

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