Thursday, February 25, 2010

How Nuclear Generate an Energy

Nuclear Power - is an energy source like thermal, solar, hydro and others natural energy. This energy generated when neutron is strikes to radiation source such as Uranium, which will be split into two. The splitting will create heat or thermal energy which is used for boiling the water in the system to produce steam for turbine power generator.
Easy says, it is involvement of energy transferred process from nuclear energy to thermal energy thus resulted of electrical energy and so on.. And please keep in our mind that the reaction (nuclear reaction), all takes place in safe and isolated area such as in reactor - need shielding area from radiation exposure.

If we are not using a nuclear reaction, we also can use a coal as a bahan bakar to heat the water to produce steam - which only involvement of transferred process from chemical energy to thermal energy.

Hopefully, we can understand what exactly a nuclear power process as a general.

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